Ali al-Amin al-Sweed to Ugarit: The entry of “Tahrir al-Sham” into the countryside of Aleppo was the result of understandings with the opposition factions ..Turkey seeks to tear and divide Syria
The "Ugarit Post" network raised many questions to the Syrian opposition writer and politician, Ali Al-Amin Al-Suwaid, about the expansion of "Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham / Jabhat al-Nusra" in the areas under the control of the Turkish-backed factions, and whether the areas that "Tahrir al-Sham" recently entered will be a military target for Russia and the Syrian government.

How do you view the expansion of “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham / Jabhat al-Nusra” in the areas under the control of the opposition factions loyal to Turkey.. What is the purpose of that?
Since Turkey became a member of the Astana team, it received the terrorist file of the Al-/ Jabhat al-Nusra, and this terrorist organization with all its subsequent names, the most recent of which was Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, became a decisive tool in the hands of Turkish intelligence to implement the higher Turkish and Assad interests. Thanks to HTS, Turkey was able to implement its agreements with Russia, the Assad regime and Iran to evacuate the southern countryside of Idlib and hand it over to the regime. It forced the factions to withdraw to the north after handing over their heavy weapons.
HTS protects both the Turkish observation points and the regime front from any penetration by the rebels to prevent them from attacking the regime or the Iranian and Russian forces. Although Turkey has designated HTS as a terrorist organization, this designation does not seem to be nothing more than a card that provides Turkey with more space to evade and circumvent international laws.
HTS devotes itself to managing the areas teeming with displaced Syrians in northern Syria with assistance, instructions and lessons from the Turkish regime. In agreement with Turkey, it imposed the circulation of the Turkish currency, and Turkish goods became dominant in the northern commercial market.
Because of HTS’ success in imposing its control over northern Syria, occupied Turkey chose it to be the vessel that unites the Idlib regions with the areas occupied by Turkey with the help of the mercenary factions called the National Army.
These recent moves are only in implementation of that agenda, which began with meetings that brought together the leaders of the national army loyal to Turkey with the leaders of “HTS” to discuss mechanisms for a smooth transfer of power to the latter.
As a result of those understandings, several entire battalions of “HTS” entered the Daraa, Olive Branch and others under the flag of Ahrar al-Sham, and under the banner of other names. Today, it seems, HTS members have spread in all the factions deployed in the north occupied by Turkey, and the mercenary factions have become infiltrated by Tahrir al-Sham.
Was the fall of several areas in the countryside of Aleppo on the outskirts of Afrin in the hands of ” HTS ” with Turkish approval?
No armed man moves in northern Syria, whatever his status and whatever the name of his faction, except by order of the Turkish intelligence. Observers pointed out how the Turkish officers withdrew from the barriers separating the Idlib and Euphrates Shield areas, which were stormed by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, and how the National Army militia was instructed not to attack HTS members. She entered the latter and carried out the task entrusted to her with ease.
Do you think that the areas to which “Tahrir al-Sham” entered may be a military target for Russia and the Syrian government in the future?
Turkey does not take any step in northern Syria without the complicity of the Russian occupation with the militias of Iran and the army of Bashar al-Assad. Therefore, there will be no clash between the Assad regime and the Turkish regime.
Turkey’s hegemony over the north relieves the regime of the burden of managing areas inhabited by a people opposed to the regime, in addition to that this people constitutes a huge economic burden on the Assad regime.
Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the regime will fight its ally “Turkey”.
How will this move affect the future of Syria?
What Turkey is doing with the help of Russia, the Assad regime and Iran will undoubtedly contribute to the rupture of Syria now and will divide it into several autonomous regions, and the situation will remain as it is until the fall of the Assad regime. For some reason, or the Erdogan regime loses power, and international alliances change so that this is done in the interest of the Syrian people. Now, things are not in the interest of the Syrian people.