Sihanouk Dibo to Ugarit: The year 2023 will not bring positive new things to Syria…and the international resolution “2254” is the first step towards a solution
During a private dialogue with a member of the executive body of the (PYD), Sihanouk Dibo, the “Ugarit Post” network raised many questions about reading the Syrian crisis in light of the developments and events that took place in 2022, and the future of the regions of northern and eastern Syria, in addition to many questions and proposals.How can the crisis in Syria be read in light of the developments and events that took place in 2022?

The Syrian crisis has become more complicated in the year 2022. Current indications indicate that it is going to get more complicated. This complexity is both objective and subjective. As for the objective or the external, it is due to the nature of the crises or difficulties that each intervening country suffers from separately, and the agendas of each country necessitate it to proceed in the path of this complexity. It seems difficult for it to retreat because that will be at a great cost.
As for the subjective, its main reason is that most of the Syrian parties are still dependent on the intervening forces without stopping at the equation of the Syrian solution, the two sides of which are now determined by the radical change that is required in accordance with International Resolution 2254 and ending of terrorist organizations and drying up their sources. This equation has been achieved to a large extent in northern and eastern Syria, the areas of the Autonomous Administration as an important part of the Syrian geography. Convinced, like a large percentage of the people of Syria, that the Autonomous Administration is an important effective translation of the international resolution; This model needs to be developed. What raises the contradiction is that the Syrian parties, instead of working to generalize this project and obtain its luck and its national dimension, we find that they have opposite approaches that establish the consolidation of the division of Syria instead of restoring it in a manner that suits the history and future of the diverse people of Syria.
According to the current data, it can be said that the year 2023 will not bring positive new things. Unfortunately, this crisis seems to be continuing, although it will take new forms in which most of those affiliated with the opposition will clearly disappear.
Where is Syria in the international equation with talk about changing balances, alliances and international circumstances by virtue of the events the world is witnessing?
It is not realistic to say that the Ukrainian crisis overshadowed all files. Or kept other files on the shelf. It can be said that Syria, by virtue of its geopolitical location, is an arena that reflects global changes with regard to talking about a new order for the world. At the same time, global changes are one of the lines formed that pass through Syria. It can also be said that a series of files today constitute the reality of what will anchor the system of international relations according to the dominant polarity that will become clear successively. the second half of the new year is of great importance to the point of believing that the beginning will be formed then; Although no one can guess about the end of this beginning.
Despite the talk about changing alliances and balances, it has become more like certainty that it is in itself an important opportunity for the national democratic forces to announce their meeting and the unity of their positions on crucial and decisive issues and to prevent Syria from slipping further into the quagmire of division.
The Syrian economy has collapsed dramatically in the year 2022, and the citizen is living in a difficult situation in very harsh conditions.. What are the reasons for that, and do you think there are solutions to save the economy?
The reasons for the great collapse at various levels in Syria, including the economic level, can be summarized in several reasons, the most important of which are: Basically, it can be said that the social market economy model is a model that perpetuated corruption, and is an objective reason that led to the explosion or the Syrian crisis in the current disturbing form.
The solution is gradual, despite the complexity of the current situation. The first solution step is the full implementation of UN Resolution 2254. The international community itself also bears responsibility to a large extent and in a specific way when looking at making the Syrian crisis visible from the humanitarian side and humanitarian aid only.
In conjunction with the talk about the Syrian solution… a meeting took place in Moscow between the defense ministers and the intelligence chiefs of Damascus and Turkey… How do you read this development… and can it contribute to resolving the crisis?
This step, if successful, will be considered a trap for the Syrian people and an attempt to besiege United Nations Resolution 2254 or make it lose the spirit of change and comprehensive radical democratic transformation. It will also be considered the return of the crisis to square one.
This step carries and reinforces the Turkish and Russian agenda in the name of the Syrian cause. It is in Erdogan’s favor and makes him retain power more, and extremist organizations and mercenary groups will be safer if Erdogan wins again. Although the facts indicate several difficulties that the Turkish regime will resort to in order not to hold the Turkish elections. Just as the so-called Adana Agreement of 1998 is essentially illegal and illegitimate, talking about reviving this agreement amounts to stabbing the Syrian people with the dagger of division.
Even if some consider it a good or constructive step, as those with a narrow agenda call it, the most important step is rapprochement and constructive dialogue between the Autonomous Administration and the authority in Damascus as a real starting step towards a sustainable Syrian solution.
How do you read the future of the regions of northern and eastern Syria during the year 2023?
We started the year 2022 with the events of Al-Sinaa Prison in Al-Hasakah. At the end of the year, we witnessed a Turkish military air operation that targeted the infrastructure in the Autonomous Administration areas and sought to revive ISIS again.
In fact, the two experiences proved – despite the seriousness of the situation – that the people made their choice and they stand with the Syrian Democratic Forces. In the case of al-Hasakah prison, this position was honorable and expected from the people of the Autonomous Administration in all its formations. As for the Turkish aggressive military operation, the people were steadfast, adhering to the gains that had been achieved. No displacement was observed, and this is a position worthy of a people who have sacrificed more than 35,000 martyrs and wounded so far.
We believe the risks will continue, at least until the middle of the new year. Despite this, the Autonomous Administration is turning from a spot of light into a hope for all Syrians, especially with regard to this people’s right to manage their own affairs. Of course, we are with everyone who says that this administration needs more development and coherent operations to end the sanctions and defects that surround this important project.